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Saturday, Jun 04, 2005
Troubled Children: Trapped by Greed
PART I | January 16, 2005
01/16/2005 02:45 PM EDT
Millions wasted. The cost? Kids' lives
Troubled children: Trapped by greed

In 2001, N.C. boosted spending for group homes to hire more workers. The state didn't back the increase up with tougher rules. The result?
01/18/2005 07:04 AM EDT
Group homes: The gold rush

Time for Joy Allison, an official with the state agency that licenses group homes for troubled children, to crank up her regular how-to session for prospective owners.
01/18/2005 04:35 PM EDT
Trading distant group homes for family

When family therapist Ashley Richbourg arrived in the Barbees' lives a year ago, it was nearly too late.

Troubled Children: Trapped by Greed
Millions wasted in group homes
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